Why is My Computer Running Slowly

Published by john on December 10, 2009 Under Tech Support

questionOften, many computer users will notice that over a period of time, their computer begins to run much more slowly than it did when they first got it. There are several reasons this can happen and since this is sometimes a sign that the computer could be infected with a virus, it is not something that should be taken lightly.

Viruses and Spyware

virusIf your computer is infected with spyware or some other sort of computer virus, this will often cause the computer to run much more slowly than usual. Most people will also notice a change in the way their Internet browser works as well.

For example, when a computer is infected with malware, which is a broad term used to describe malicious software, it is common to start getting a lot more pop-ups than usual.

Another common change is that whenever a standard search is preformed in Google or Yahoo, the results are always for the same site.

You may also find that you keep on getting a strange pop-up that says your computer is infected with a virus and you need to purchase a special anti-virus program to fix it. However, if you are seeing this, it almost always means your computer has already been infected with a virus and your privacy has been compromised.

There are actually a number of different types of malware, including spyware, which steals all of your personal information and tracks your online activity, and adware, which causes advertisements to show up on your computer and in your web browser. These and other types of viruses will not only cause your computer to move much slower, but also means that your privacy and security have been compromised.

Too Many Programs Running

quickLaunchWhile often a slow computer means that it has been infected with spyware or some other sort of computer virus, this is not always the case. It is also sometimes caused by running too many computer programs at once.

This can happen because, pretty much every time you install a new computer program, it sets itself up to start when your computer turns on.

Each program that starts when the computer starts uses up precious resources, so after a few of these programs have been installed, it will begin to slow down the computer.

One way to tell if this may be a problem is to look at the Icons that are in the bottom right hand corner by the clock. Each of these icons is a computer program that is running and using resources. There are a few of these, like wireless network tools and sound controls, that are needed, but most of them are not.

In practice, it is almost always better to only allow the essential programs that your computer needs to properly function to start when you turn on Windows. This includes things like Firewalls and Anti-Virus Software. Other programs, like Yahoo Messenger, which are not required for the computer to properly function, should not be allowed to start when you turn on the computer and instead only when you use them.

What is Bloatware?

Bloatware is software that is installed by the computer manufacturer. Almost all computer manufactures, like Dell and HP, include a great deal of bloatware on their computers, as they are paid by the software companies to add these unnecessary programs.

Often, when you buy a new computer, it is packed with so much bloatware that it runs extremely slow from the first time you use it. Or, if it doesn’t run slowly right away, it will once you install a few of your own programs. Uninstalling and removing bloatware is essential for ensuring that your computer will run as quickly as possible.

One way to avoid getting computers with bloatware, or at least getting less bloatware, is to order using a business account, as most manufacturers do not cripple their business class computers as much as they do their personal ones.

However, even with business class computers, it is still usually necessary to spend some time removing bloatware.

The Computer Does Not Have Enough Memory

memoryAnother reason computers can run slowly is because they do not have enough memory. Memory is used by software to store data and variables. If you do not have enough memory, it will cause your computer to run very slowly. Often, memory problems can be minimized by uninstalling unnecessary software and bloatware.

It is important to note that even though Memory and Hard-Drive Space are often described using the same units of measurement, GB or Gigabytes, they are not actually the same thing. However, not having enough hard-drive space can also cause problems.

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